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Matthew LeFande

Docket No. 22-BD-024


董事会报告及命令 (March 4, 2024)

Summary: In re Matthew A. LeFande. Bar No. 475995. March 4, 2024. 职业责任委员会发现,勒凡德多次违反了D.C. 以及《马里兰州职业行为准则. In the first matter, 莱凡德代理了两名客户,他们拒绝退还在房地产交易中误收的一大笔钱. 在六年的时间里, 莱凡德在这件事上做了许多琐碎和不正当的申请,并最终因拒绝法庭命令出庭作证而被判藐视法庭罪. In the second matter, 勒凡德在破产程序中提出了多次无聊的申请和争论. 委员会发现勒凡德的行为违反了D.C. 职业行为准则.1, 3.4(c), and 8.第4(d)条和马里兰州规则19-303条.1, 19-303.3(a)(1), 19-308.4(c), and 19-308.4(d). Four members of the Board recommended that LeFande be disbarred as a sanction for the misconduct; four others recommended that he be suspended for three years with reinstatement conditioned on a showing of fitness.

聆讯委员会报告 (September 5, 2023)

Summary: Not yet available.

Charging Documents

收费说明 (May 10, 2022)

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